Creating Designs as Fresh as Our Menu: How Magic Cup Makes Magical Spaces at Each MCC Location

Happy November, everyone!

As the weather gets a little cooler, we’ve been thinking more and more about cozy interiors and how they can keep us warm, boost our mood, and help put a smile on our faces all winter long.

With this in mind, we thought we’d give you an inside look at the creative tools and tactics Magic Cup Cafe uses to build cheerful, sociable, magical spaces at each MCC location. 

It all starts with a welcoming atmosphere…

At Magic Cup, our chief aim is to present customers with a crisp, contemporary layout that makes them feel right at home. We work to achieve this welcoming vibe through our open-concept designs; smooth-surface counters and seating; bright chandelier lighting; and a sunny color scheme inspired by our trademark hues: black, white, green, and yellow. 

Through these elements, we hope to provide beautiful, approachable spaces that speak to a variety of individual tastes––much like our deliciously diverse menu. 

In short: We want everyone to experience a sense of belonging the moment they walk through our doors. 

Another primary goal when developing our locations is to facilitate meaningful connections between our customers and our baristas, translating our welcoming ambiance into real-life, friendly exchanges. To reach this goal, we carefully optimize each cafe to showcase the range and quality of our beverage products along with the immense care that goes into creating them. For example: Our drink stations feature white surfaces that highlight the wide spectrum of color represented by our natural ingredients. We also make sure to limit the use of partitions and encasements so customers can see, hear, and smell every aspect of our beverage prep. (Even our cups are transparent to help attract customer attention!) 

All this encourages a multi-sensory “UX” that conveys our sincere love and admiration for our consumers. Hopefully customers will gain special insight into the hard work and dedication our baristas pour into every drink, while our staff will uncover unique opportunities to get to know their patrons on a personal level. 

And if these interactions help spark feelings of community and camaraderie among our Texas neighbors, we know we’ve done our job. 

Please stop by and enjoy a Magic Cup experience of your very own this season. We’ll be so glad to have you, and we’re pretty sure you’ll leave with at least one or two new friends. 😉

Wishing you a warm, wonderful, and welcoming winter,

My Lynn

Shahriar Kabir